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  2. Article: 突发!大多伦多地区Metro超市大罢工 这些地区门店全部关闭

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=825-突发!大多伦多地区Metro超市大罢工-这些地区门店全部关闭
  3. Article: 加拿大经济高利率下增长!本季度涨1%,房地产业持续上升

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=824-加拿大经济高利率下增长!本季度涨1-,房地产业持续上升
  4. Article: 10次加息!加拿大房价还上涨,卖家仍占主导

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=823-10次加息!加拿大房价还上涨,卖家仍占主导
  5. Article: 新屋市场两重天:单户住宅抢手 condo不好卖

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=822-新屋市场两重天:单户住宅抢手-condo不好卖
  6. Article: 多伦多Rogers Centre体育场将被拆 开发大项目

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=821-多伦多Rogers-Centre体育场将被拆-开发大项目
  7. Article: 大多伦多10月楼价升13.7%成交量升25%

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    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=818-GTA独立屋市场开始逐渐恢复了
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    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=816-多伦多房价9年涨幅240-世界第三大房地产泡沫
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  11. Article: 华人区独立屋价格大跌:万锦7万烈治文山13万

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=813-华人区独立屋价格大跌:万锦7万烈治文山13万
  12. Article: 在多伦多买房,收房前应该注意哪些事项

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=812-在多伦多买房,收房前应该注意哪些事项
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  14. Article: 多伦多公寓市场也开始松动,全面放缓!

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=810-多伦多公寓市场也开始松动,全面放缓!
  15. Article: 尽管房市变冷 休闲度假屋逆市涨价异常火爆

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=807-尽管房市变冷-休闲度假屋逆市涨价异常火爆
  16. Article: 这一指标将显示加拿大房地产市场面临巨大问题

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=806-这一指标将显示加拿大房地产市场面临巨大问题
  17. Article: 加拿大房贷按揭市场明年起"彻底变天"!

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=805-加拿大房贷按揭市场明年起-彻底变天-!
  18. Article: 豪宅直降1500万 温哥华豪宅市场回到解放前

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=804-豪宅直降1500万-温哥华豪宅市场回到解放前
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  20. Article: 中加旅游年隆重开幕 两国总理致贺词

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=803-中加旅游年隆重开幕-两国总理致贺词
  21. Article: 不注销中国户口护照后果严重

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  23. Article: 习近平会见加拿大总理特鲁多

    You can view the page at https://www.duolunduo.com/content.php?r=800-习近平会见加拿大总理特鲁多
  24. Article: 加拿大总理特鲁多将于12月初第二次访华

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  25. Article: 中国企业收购安省亏损汽配公司3年利润增10倍

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